Paragraph Early Marriage
Early marriage is a social malady. It continues in many countries of the world including Bangladesh. Many fresh souls are departing this beautiful world prematurely due to early marriage. Though it is an ancient social custom, it is still practiced today. There are many reasons for child marriage. The main reasons for child marriage are illiteracy, low status of women, financial inability of the family, social custom and prejudice, traditional belief, religious dogma and gender discrimination. The consequences of early marriage are very serious. As a result of early marriage, many women die at the time of giving birth to children at a young age. Sometimes the children also die along with the mothers. Moreover, early marriage hinders women's education. It increases the population very fast. Not only this, early marriage throws a woman at a high risk of health throughout her life. Therefore, early marriage must be stopped in society. And that's why everyone should be made aware of the bad effects of early marriage. Parents of girl children should be encouraged to female education by providing financial support to their girls. The persons involved in early marriage should be brought under the law and punished severely. Above all, to stop early marriage, women should be appointed to high-level posts so that no child's parents can marry off their daughters at an early age. In fact, only the government can stop early marriage by enforcing strict laws.
রিলেটেড পোস্টসঃ
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আর্টিকেলটি ভাল লাগলে কমেন্ট ও শেয়ার করতে ভুলবেন না। আমার ব্লগটি পরিদর্শনের জন্য আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ।