Cloze Test with Clues Exercise with Answers
1. Fill in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to
complete the following passage.
Flood, climate, warmer, prediction, increase, flood, rise, change, evidence, destroy, increase, unnecessarily
The world is getting (a) — because of
pollution. Every year millions of people all over the world die (b)
— as a result of pollution. In recent years there have been (c) — reports that
the world (d) — is undergoing a significant (e) —. All these reports provide
strong (f) — that world temperatures are (g) — day by day. Climatologists (h) —
that midway through the next century temperatures may have (i) — as much as 4
c. This could raise sea levels and thereby (j) —.
2. Fill in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to
complete the following passage.
Know, declare, pleasant, die, happen, wit, execution, spoil, wretch, furious, superb, unpleasant
Once upon a time, there was a King who was
very fond of (a) — his future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b) —
to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras. The King called on him to know
about his future and the astrologer told him something (c) —. At this, the King
got (d)— and condemned him to (e) — saying, ‘Men like you should not live to
(f) — the peace of the world.’ But another thought had crossed his mind before
the astrologer was removed for (g) —. ‘How long will you live?’ asked the King.
With ready (h) — the astrologer said, ‘The stars (i) — that I shall die only a
week before your majesty. So, goodbye.’ Hearing this, the King turned pale
like a dead man and shouted, ‘Drive this (j) — away, let him not come here
3. Fill in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to
complete the following passage.
Source, manpower, explore, provide, concern, recreation, across, employment, necessary, dense, independence, different
Bangladesh is a (a) — populated country, but a
large number of her people are (b) —. It is not possible for her to ensure (c)
— to the teeming millions. Self-employment is a possible (d) — to this problem.
It means that people themselves should (e) — avenues for self-employment.
Facilities for training in (f) — trades and vocations are available (g) — the
country. The youths, in particular, can train themselves in any of these trades
and turn into a useful (h) —. The Govt. also (i) — easy loans and counseling
with a view to helping them start an (j) — earning activity.
4. Fill in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to
complete the following passage.
Realize, destroyed, different, across, depend, impossible, understand, gather, moreover, profusely, possible, developed
Modern life (a) — much on transport. We can very well (b) — how important transport is when it is (c) — by natural calamities or during socio-political crises. In fact, transport has made it (d) — for us to reach places previously (e) —. It has (f) — helped the flourishing of trade and commerce and to (g) — new knowledge and ideas. (h) — transport has (i) — friendship and understanding among nations and peoples (j) — the globe.
5. Fill in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to
complete the following passage.
Oneself, job, also, opportunities, easily, means, rearing, farming, sectors, engage, raising, create
means to create (a) — opportunity for (b) — by one’s own effort. Various
government organizations are trying to (c) — a congenial atmosphere for
self-employment. Different NGO’s have (d) — rendered their help. Livestock (e)
—, agricultural (f) —, and poultry (g) — are some of the (h) —. There are many (i)
— for self-employment in Bangladesh. One can (j) — engage oneself in these
6. Fill in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to
complete the following passage.
any |
for |
love |
can |
mercy |
happy |
earn |
bring |
money |
different |
comfort |
without |
Money is power and can do much good and evil.
It gives (a) — and delight. It (b) — do everything. A person (c) — is a person
to be pitied. Nobody pays (d) — respect to him. His friends do not (e) — him.
He has to depend on the (f) — of others. In order to (g) — money he does a lot
of jobs. It is a must (h) — our life. But it does not necessarily (i) —
happiness. Happiness is absolutely a (j) — matter.
7. Fill in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to
complete the following passage.
warming |
cut |
imperative |
extinction |
catastrophe |
habitat |
recklessly |
rise |
anticipation |
alarming |
increase |
enhance |
The destruction of forests and other (a) — is
causing the (b) — of various plants and animals every day. In the last 25 years
alone the world has lost one-third of its natural wealth. Forests are being (c)
— down. Moreover, they are being burnt (d) — resulting in an (e) — in carbon dioxide and ultimately the water level is (f) — as a consequence of global (g) —.
It is (h) — that the new century will face an overwhelming environment (i) —.
It is therefore (j) — to check the reckless pollution of the environment.
8. Fill in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to
complete the following passage.
advantage |
how |
interviews |
candidate |
performance |
perform |
bald |
though |
way |
lot |
deal |
increase |
performance in the interview is very important, even (a) — some people regard
(b) — as poor predictors of the future(c) —. There is a good(d) — of subjectivity
in an interview to judge a (e) —, but as a candidate, he subjectivity inherent
in interviews can work to your (f) —. If you manifest confidence and
enthusiasm, smile a (g) — and generally look as though you know (h) — you are
talking about, then you are well on the (i) — to a result. (j) — your response is
probably more important than what you say.
9. Fill in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to
complete the following passage.
Mentally |
assist |
educated |
Self-reliant |
called |
helpful |
Provide |
genius |
develop |
sympathy |
useful |
improve |
Proper education (a) — a learner with
opportunities of (b) — all his talents. Its aim is to (c) — him physically and
(d) — so that he can be (e) — to himself and to society. An educated man is
(f) — but he also (g) — others in attaining self-reliance. He is supposed to be
well-mannered, kind, and (h) —. So a man who has acquired knowledge and skill
only for his maternal development cannot be (i) — a truly (j) — man.
10. Fill in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to
complete the following passage.
issue |
Save |
husband |
consider |
beat up |
Law |
subservient |
education |
happy |
Protect |
Dominated |
improve |
Women in our society have always been considered (a) — to men. The majority of houses are being (b) — usually by (c) — and women most often have no say in opinion. Their opinion is (d) …… unnecessary even in such important (e) — as the number of things they would like to have. In many households, they are (f) — by the husbands. To (g) — their rights the government has introduced law. But (h) — sometimes can’t (i) — them. So what is more needed for them is the proper (j) —.
11. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
resources |
potential |
fail |
success |
create |
among |
have |
returns |
from |
achievement |
for |
likely |
Investment in education (a) — girls increase the economic and social
(b)—-of development investment in all other sectors. Educating girls
contributes (c) — wealth through its impact on economic development. Educated
women have a higher income (d) — than those who have (e) — no schooling. Educated
mothers are more (f) — to send both their boys and girls to school. It is
important to realize that (g) — in girls' education generally results (h) — an
integrated approach to community development. Thus (i) — to educate girls
results in a tremendous waste of potential human (j) —.
12. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
be |
receive |
serve |
off |
remain |
come |
work |
proof |
social |
go |
improve |
play |
Today women
(a) — an important role in all spheres of life. They (b) — no longer within the
four walls of their home. They have (c) — out of their kitchens and are (d) —
with men in all time development programs of the government. Many women have
(e) — higher education and are (f) — as doctors, engineers, teachers,
administrators, judges, etc. They have been able to (g) — their worth. However,
women still face (h) — discrimination. Many girls are married (i) — at an
early age. Many never (j) — to school.
13. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
joyous |
want |
flooded |
invited |
festive |
elders |
remain |
food |
gift |
eager |
favourite |
becomes |
Children are fond of festivals. They become very (a) — on a day of
festival. If it is their birthday, their joys become over (b) —. They become
very (c) — to have wishes from their beloved persons. The whole day they (d) —
to spend time in joy. Usually, a child on its birthday, gets up early and tries
to (e) — close to their parents. If (f)—a nice day, if it is presented
anything very (g) — to it. Children also want to have their friends (h) — to
their house on a festival. They expected to have a party. Their joys give
pleasure to their (i) —. We should try to keep the children always in a (j) —
14. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
educate |
sector |
women |
return |
children |
develop |
community |
mother |
family |
welfare |
sphere |
waste |
Education for
girls is essential for the development in all (a) — of society. So,
investments in the education of (b) — will bring in greater (c) — in the field
of economic and social (d) —-. Educated women can contribute more to the family
(e) — than those who have no schooling. Educated (f) — are more likely to send
their (g) —to school and look after their health and nutrition. Thus (h) —
women can contribute to the (i) — development. On the other hand, failure to
educate women is a tremendous (j) — of human resources.
15. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
moment |
obtain |
expression |
what |
till |
use |
wake |
integral |
go |
by |
be |
perceive |
Language (a) — an important medium of expression of thoughts, feelings, ideas etc. We use it from the (b)—we wake up in the morning (c)—-we go to bed at night. We use language not only during our (d)—hours but also in our dreams. We use language to (e)—-what we feel and to say (f)—-we like or dislike. We also use it to (g)—information. In Short, language is an (h) — part of what we do, (i)—-and believe. We must avoid (j)——bad language.
পড়তে পারেনঃ
16. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
due |
affect |
differ |
alarm |
severe |
pollute |
use |
increase |
from |
suffer |
at |
appear |
Many diseases
are rising (a) — an (b) — rate, which experts believe is (c) — to increased (d)
— of development. Pollution (e) — to be greater in urban areas although
rural societies too are (f) — by (g) — use of chemical fertilizers and
insecticides. Nevertheless, today city people (h) — to suffer from many more
diseases and suffer more (i) — than country people. Now let us see how life in
cities is (j) — from that in the country.
17. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
produce |
preserve |
take |
give |
grow |
protect |
breath |
provide |
prevent |
need |
gather |
wash |
Trees are
very useful to humans. They (a) — the rich to the soil from being (b) — away by
rainwater and floods. You can see trees being (c) — along mountain slopes, on
roadsides, in parks and gardens. Trees give us shade. They (d) — life to a
place with their colorful flowers, beautiful leaves, fruits, and thick trunks.
They (e) — shelters for birds and animals. They give us timber, medicines,
paper, gum, and many other useful things. They (f) — in carbon dioxide and (g)
— oxygen. As you know by now man (h) — oxyzen to (i) — and live. Trees are our
best friends. We should (j) — them and plant more trees around us.
18. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
never |
balance |
address |
balance |
originate |
must |
paramount |
upliftment |
ensure |
solve |
call |
in vain |
problem is the (b) — task of the hour. We must educate all of our people (c) —
our balanced development; otherwise all of our development plans must go (d) —.
If we can educate our people, half of our problems will be automatically (e) —.
That’s why, education is (f) — the nerve of development. All strength and power
to (g) — the development of our country(h) — from education. So, we (i) — give
topmost priority on the education sector if we really want the (j) — -of our dear
19. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
division |
education |
fame |
treat |
instituted |
prestige |
promote |
invention |
huge |
material |
contribute |
research |
Every year
the Nobel Prize is awarded for outstanding (a) — to the field of science,
literature, and economics and for the (b) — of peace. It is the world’s most
(c) — prize. If there is more than one recipient, the prize money is (d) —
equally among the winners. The prize was (e) — by Sir Alfred Nobel, the father
of science of destruction. He (f) — dynamite. Though Nobel was born in Sweden,
he was (g) — in Russia. For this important invention, he became (h) — all over
the world. He earned a (i) — sum of money. The prize is given from the interest
of the money. The winners of the Nobel Prize are (j) — with great respect
across the globe.
20. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
provide |
source |
unemployment |
manpower |
solve |
recreation |
independence |
employment |
differ |
across |
dense |
Bangladesh is
a (a) — populated country, but a large number of her people are (b) —. It is
not possible for her to ensure (c) — to the teeming millions. Self-employment
is a possible (d) — to this problem. It means that people themselves should (e)
— avenues for self-employment. Facilities for training in (f) ——- trades and
vocation are available (g) — the country. The youth, in particular, can train
themselves in any of these trades and turn into useful (h) —. The govt. also
(i) — easy loans and counseling with a view to helping them start an (j) —
earning activity.
21. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
About |
Abacus |
Machine |
Trained |
device |
modern |
perform |
Computer |
recent |
process |
essential |
fair |
The Computer
is a (a) — recent invention. It has now become an important part of (b) — life.
It has greatly benefited us and brought (c) — revolutionary changes in our
lives. Any (d) — that helps people (e)…mathematical calculation may be called a
computer. In this sense, the (f)….is a simple computer. Today, however, the term
(g) — refers to a special kind of electronic (h) — that can perform mathematical
calculations and (i) — large masses of information at a great speed. In a few
minutes, a computer can perform calculations that (j) — mathematicians would need
years to complete.
22. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
source |
numerous |
Distance |
shown |
significant |
even |
interest |
education |
common |
specific |
Television |
present |
has become the most (a) — and most widespread (b) — of entertainment of the
(c)—-world. A wide range of programs of varied (d) — is telecast on (e) —
channels. Almost every middle-class and (f)—-working-class families have a (g)
— set today. Television programs are not only entertaining; they can be
highly (h) — too. For example, television is used for (i) — learning. Courses
run by the Open University are (j)—–on television by them.
23. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
prediction |
bring |
waste |
pollute |
predict |
action |
unnecessary |
avoidable |
cruel |
globe |
suitable |
undergo |
The disposal of various kinds of (a) — is seriously polluting the
environment. The world’s climate is (b)—a significant change. (c) — warming is
the cause of the increase of heat in the atmosphere. The climatologists (d) —
that it will be difficult to find a (e) — place to live in. Every year millions
of people all over the world die (f) — as a result of (g) —. These unfortunate
and (h) — deaths are (i) — about by four specific factors. We should take
determined (j) — to control these problems.
24. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
huge |
need |
constraint |
unusual |
troubled |
academic |
education |
increase |
requisite |
facility |
standard |
available |
Bangladesh has a (a) — population. Our educational institutions are also
few. We have far too many students to (b) —. Compared to the number of
institutions (c) —. Bangladesh (d) — more schools, colleges, and universities
to provide for the (e) — number of students. But owing to financial and
resource (f) —.the government cannot fund the (g) — number of educational
institutions. At present every educational institution is overcrowded and class
size is (h) — large. As (i) — in these institutions are poor, the students do
not get a (j) —– education.
25. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
communicate |
Establish |
Personal |
personally |
send |
Store |
mode |
simultaneous |
Easily |
actually |
electronic |
base |
E-mail means (a) — mail. It is an electronic (b) — of communication.
E-mail (c) — is user to user but telex communication is terminal to terminal.
Telephone connection often takes a lot of time to be (d)…because both the
caller and the called must be present (e) —. But E-mail is a computer (f)
— system and the messages that are (g) — via the computer become (h) — in the
mailbox of an individual’s (i) — computer without the need of his being (j) —
present. Thus, e-mail saves both time and money.
26. Fill
in each gap using the appropriate word from the box below to complete the
following passage.
operation |
electronic |
between |
terminal |
distribute |
mail |
know |
communicate |
nature |
computer |
difference |
individual |
Electronic mail, popularly (a) — as ‘e’ mail is the communication of
textual messages via (b) — means. Although telex (c) — is also electronic in (d)
—, there are differences (e) — a telex and email. While telex
communication(f) — to terminal, electronic mail communication is user to user
via the (g)—-. In telex, messages destined to a number of users are sent to the
same terminal from where it is (h) — in a printed form by an operator. On the
other hand, e-mail is derived to (i) — electronic mailboxes (j) — in
Answer Scripts
1. Answer: (a) warmer (b) unnecessarily (c) alarming (d)
climate (e) change (f) evidence (g) increasing (h) predict (i) risen (j) flood.
2. Answer: (a) knowing (b) happened (c) unpleasant (d)
angry/furious (e) death (f) spoil (g) execution (h) wit (i) declare/prove (j)
3. Answer: (a) densely (b) unemployed (c) employment (d)
solution (e) explore (f) different (g) across (h) manpower (i) provides (j)
4. Answer: (a) depends (b) realize/understand (c)
destroyed (d) possible (e) impossible (f) profusely (g) gather (h) Moreover (i)
developed (j) across.
5. Answer: (a) job (b) oneself (c) create (d)
also (e) rearing (f) farming (g) raising (h) sectors (i) opportunities/means
(j) easily
6. Answer: (a) comfort (b) can (c) without money (d) any
(e) love (f) mercy (g) earn (h) for (i) bring (j) different.
7. Answer: (a) habitats (b) extinction (c) cut (d)
recklessly (e) increase (f) rising (g) warming (h) anticipated (i) catastrophe
(j) imperative
8. Answer: (a) though (b) interviews (c)
performance (d) deal (e) candidate (f) advantage (g) bald (h) lot (i) way (j)
9. Answer: (a) provides (b) improve (c) develop (d)
mentally (e) useful (f) self-reliant (g) assists (h) helpful (i) called (j)
10. Answer: (a) subservient (b) dominated (c) husbands (d) considered (e) issues (f) beaten up (g) protect (h) law (i) save (j) education
11. Answer: (a) for (b)
returns (c) creating (d) potential (e) had (f) likely (g) success (h) from (i)
failing (j) resources
12. Answer: (a) play,
(b) are, (c) come, (d) working, (e) received, (f) serving, (g) prove, (h)
social, (i) off, (j) go
13. Answer: (a)joyous
(b)flooded (c) eager (d) want (e) remain (f) becomes (g) favourite (h) invited
(i) elders (j) festive
14. Answer: (a)
sectors/spheres (b) women (c) returns (d) development (e) welfare (f) mothers
(g) children (h) educated (i) community (j) wastage/waste
15. Answer: (a) is (b)
moment (c) till (d) waking (e) express (f) what (g) obtain (h) integral (i)
perceive (j) using
16. Answer: (a) at (b)
alarming (c) due (d) pollution (e) appears (f) affected (g) increased (h)
appear (i) severely (j) different
17. Answer: (a) prevent
(b) washed (c) grown (d) give (e) provide (f) take (g) produce (h) needs (i)
breath (j) protect
18. Answer: (a)
Addressing (b) paramount (c) to ensure (d) in vain (e) solved (f) called (g)
balance (h) originates (i) must (j) upliftment
19. Answer: s(a) contribution (b) promotion (c) prestigious (d) divided (e) instituted (f) invented (g) educated (h) famous (i) huge (j) treated
20. Answer: (a) densely
(b) unemployed (c) employment (d) solution (e) explore (f) different (g) across
(h) manpower (i) provides (j) independent.
21. Answer: (a) fairly
(b) modern (c) about (d) device (e) perform (f) abacus (g) computer (h) machine
(i) process (j) trained
22. Answer: (a) common
(b) source (c) present (d) interests (e) numerous (f) even (g) television (h)
educative (i) distance (j) shown
23. Answer: (a) waste
(b) undergoing (c) Global (d) predict (e) suitable (f) cruelly (g) pollution
(h) avoidable (i) (j) action.
24. Answer: (a) huge (b)
educate (c) available (d) needs (e) increasing (f) constraints (g) requisite
(h) unusually (i) facilities (j) standared
25. Answer: (a)
electronic (b) mode (c) communication (d) established (e) simultaneously
(f)based (g) sent (h) stored (i) personal (j) personally
26. Answer: (a) known
(b) electronic (c) communication (d) nature (e) between (f) terminal (g)
computer (h)distributed (i) individual (j) based
রিলেটেড পোস্টসঃ
একাডেমিক শিক্ষা বিষয়ক অজানাকে জানতে নিয়মিত আমার ব্লগ সাইটটি পরিদর্শন করুন। আমার ব্লগ সাইটটি পরিদর্শনের জন্য আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ।