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Road Accident Paragraph for Class 8, 9, 10, SSC and HSC

A road accident paragraph,road accident paragraph,road accident paragraph for hsc,paragraph road accident,a street accident paragraph

Road accident paragraph

A road accident is a common problem in Bangladesh. It has many terrible effects. When an accident takes place on the road and highway it is called a road accident. At present, road accidents are increasing day by day. Every day getting up from sleep in the morning, we hear and see the news of road accidents on TV and Facebook. Moreover, the newspapers are always full of news of road accidents. Actually, a road accident is a daily affair. There are many causes of a road accident. Overpopulation, reckless driving, overtaking tendency, unconsciousness of people, and avoiding traffic rules are the main causes of a road accident. The effects of the road accident are very horrible. Every day many people die by road accidents. Many are injured and many are crippled all their lives. Many people's dreams are shattered only by the road accident. Many families become helpless losing their main breadwinner and lead miserable lives for the rest of their days. So, we should take urgent steps to prevent a road accident. And, for this, no driver should be allowed to drive any vehicle without a driving license. Unsuitable vehicles should be stopped from driving on the roads and highways. The violators of traffic laws should be brought under the laws and punished severely. Above all, people should be made conscious of the bad effects of a road accident. Finally, to prevent a road accident, all these steps must be implemented and the government has to take strict steps to implement them.

রিলেটেড পোস্টসঃ

একাডেমিক শিক্ষা বিষয়ক অজানাকে জানতে নিয়মিত আমার ব্লগ সাইটটি পরিদর্শন করুন। আমার ব্লগ সাইটটি পরিদর্শনের জন্য আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ। 

একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন

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