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Affirmative to Negative Exercise for All Classes

Affirmative to negative, affirmative to negative rules, affirmative to negative exercise with answer, affirmative to negative exercise for ssc

Affirmative to negative

ইংরেজি গ্রামারের মধ্যে Affirmative to Negative খুব সহজ কিন্তু ছাত্রছাত্রীরা নিয়ম না জানার কারণে Affirmative to Negative করতে পারে না। মূলত এটা changing sentence এর একটা অংশ। যাইহোক, Affirmative to Negative করতে হলে সর্বপ্রথম এর নিয়ম জানা জরুরি। আর Affirmative to Negative এর নিয়ম জানার পর আপনাকে Affirmative to Negative Exercise প্র্যাকটিস করতে হবে। মনে রাখবেন বেশি বেশি এক্সারসাইজ প্র্যাকটিস করলে পরীক্ষায় ভুল হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা কম থাকে। তাই আপনি যদি Affirmative to Negative এর নিয়ম জানতে চান তাহলে লিঙ্কের উপর ক্লিক করুন। তারপর বেশি বেশি Affirmative to Negative Exercise প্র্যাকটিস করুন।

Affirmative to negative exercise

Affirmative to negative exercise with alone

1. Alone Allah can help us.

Answer: None but Allah can help us.

2. He was alone alive.

Answer: None but he was alive.

3. He is alone in the sea.

Answer: None but he is in the sea.

4. Alone the graduates should apply.

Answer: None but the graduates should apply.

5. He goes to college alone every day.

Answer: None but he goes to college every day.

6. I like to eat lunch alone sometimes.

Answer: None but I like to eat lunch sometimes.

7. He alone can solve the puzzle.

Answer: None but he can solve the puzzle.

8. He enjoys watching movies alone.

Answer: None but he enjoys watching movies.

9. The little boy sleeps alone in his room.

Answer: None but the little boy sleeps in his room.

10. Playing video games alone is fun for him.

Answer: None but playing video games is fun for him.

11. Cats like to play alone.

Answer: None but cats like to play.

12. I can finish my homework alone.

Answer: None but I can finish my homework.

13. She likes to walk alone in the park.

Answer: None but she likes to walk in the park.

14. The little boy played alone in his room.

Answer: None but the little boy played in his room.

15. She likes to walk alone in the park.

Answer: None but she likes to walk in the park.

Affirmative to negative exercise with only

1. Only he knows the secret.

Answer: None but he knows the secret.

2. I have only apples.

Answer: I have nothing but apples.

3. The teacher was only thirty three. 

Answer: The teacher was not more than thirty three

4. The recipe requires only excellent ingredients.

Answer: The recipe requires nothing but excellent ingredients.

5. There are only chairs in the room.

Answer: There are nothing but chairs in the room.

6. Only Allah can help us.

Answer: None but Allah can help us.

7. We need only eight minutes.

Answer: We need not more than eight minutes.

8. There are only chocolates in the box.

Answer: There are nothing but chocolates in the box.

9. He is only five years old.

Answer: He is not more than five years old

10. Only the good students shine in life.

Answer: None bur the good students shine in life.

11. The tree is only three years old.

Answer: The tree is not more than three years old.

12. I like only toys.

Answer: I like nothing but toys.

13. He is only seven years old.

Answer: He is not more than seven years old.

14. Only the graduates should apply.

Answer: None but the graduates should apply.

15. The phone is only a few weeks old.

Answer: The phone is not more than a few weeks old.

Affirmative to negative exercise with every

1. Every mother loves her child.

Answer: There is no mother but loves her child.

2. Everybody hates a liar.

Answer: There is nobody but hates a liar.

3. Every rose has a thorn.

Answer: There is no rose but has a thorn.

4. Every decision has consequences.

Answer: There is no decision but has consequences.

5. Every flower is beautiful.

Answer: There is no flower but is beautiful.

6. Every tree plays an important role in the ecosystem.

Answer: There is no tree but plays an important role in the ecosystem.

7. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Answer: There is no challenge but is an opportunity to learn and grow.

8. Every class begins with a warm-up exercise.

Answer: There is no class but begins with a warm-up exercise.

9. Every trip is an adventure for kids.

Answer: There is no trip but is an adventure for kids.

10. Every question is worth points.

Answer: There is no question but is worth points.

11. Everyone respects an honest man.

Answer: There is no one but respects an honest man.

12. Every student is a leader.

Answer: There is no student but is a leader.

13. Everybody loves flowers.

Answer: There is nobody but loves flowers.

14. Every teacher is an architect.

Answer: There is no teacher but is an architect.

15. Every woman is weak.

Answer: There is no woman but is weak.

পড়তে পারেনঃ

Affirmative to negative exercise, transformation of sentences affirmative to negative, affirmative to negative sentences with answers

Affirmative to negative exercise with answer

Affirmative to negative exercise with must

1. He must finish the assignment by tomorrow.

Answer: He cannot but finish the assignment by tomorrow.

2. They must attend the meeting on Friday.

Answer: They cannot help attending the meeting on Friday.

3. He must apologize for his behavior.

Answer: He cannot but apologize for his behavior.

4. We must prepare for upcoming exams.

Answer: We cannot help prepare for upcoming exams.

5. I must finish my homework. 

Answer: I cannot but finish my homework. 

6. Students must follow school rules.

Answer: Students cannot help following school rules.

7. You must return the borrowed books to the library.

Answer: You cannot but return the borrowed books to the library.

8. We must reach the airport by 8 am.

Answer: We cannot help reaching the airport by 8 am.

9. You must be careful while crossing the road.

Answer: You cannot but be careful while crossing the road.

10. They must inform the teacher about changes in plans.

Answer: They cannot help informing the teacher about changes in plans.

11. Employees must attend mandatory training sessions.

Answer: Employees cannot but attend mandatory training sessions.

12. Man must die.

Answer: Man cannot but die.

Or Man cannot but escape from death.

13. Man must submit to destiny.

Answer: Man cannot but submit to destiny.

14. You must obey your parents.

Answer: You cannot help obeying your parents.

15.  You must respect your teachers.

Answer: You cannot but respect your teachers.

 Affirmative to negative exercise with as soon as 

1. As soon as I finished my work, I joined you for lunch.

Answer: No sooner had I finished my work than I joined you for lunch.

2. As soon as the sun set, the sky was painted with vibrant colors.

Answer: No sooner had the sun set than the sky was painted with vibrant colors.

3. As soon as the alarm rang, it was time to wake up.

Answer: No sooner had the alarm rang, it was time to wake up.

4. As soon as the rain stopped, we went for a walk.

Answer: No sooner had the rain stopped than we went for a walk.

5. As soon as the doorbell rang, she answered it.

Answer: No sooner had the doorbell rang than she answered it.

6. As soon as the movie started, he turned off the phone.

Answer: No sooner had the movie started than he turned off the phone.

7. As soon as the package arrived, he delivered it to me.

Answer: No sooner had the package arrived than he delivered it to me.

8. As soon as he arrived, we began the meeting.

Answer: No sooner had he arrived than we began the meeting.

9. As soon as the oven preheated, we started baking.

Answer: No sooner had the oven preheated than we started baking.

10. As soon as the store opened, I bought the groceries.

Answer: No sooner had the store opened than I bought the groceries.

11. As soon as the thief saw the police, he went away.

Answer: No sooner had the thief seen the police than he went away.

12. As soon as the music started, everyone began to dance.

Answer: No sooner had the music started than everyone began to dance.

13. As soon as the bus reached, we boarded it.

Answer: No sooner had the bus reached than we boarded it.

14. As soon as the doctor called, we went to him.

Answer: No sooner had the doctor called, we went to him.

15. As soon as the snow melted, we planted the garden.

Affirmative to negative exercise with superlative degree 

1. She is the tallest girl in our class.

Answer: No other boy in our class is as tall as she.

2. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.

Answer: No other book is as interesting as this.

3. That was the best meal.

Answer: No other meal is as good as that.

4. He is the fastest runner on the team.

Answer: No other runner is as fast as he.

5. Iron is the most useful metal.

Answer: No other metal is as useful as iron.

6. January is the coldest month in Bangladesh.

Answer: No other month is as cold as January.

7. He is the smartest student in the class.

Answer: No other student is as smart as he.

8. This is the most beautiful sunset scene.

Answer: No other student in the class is as smart as he.

9. He is the strongest competitor in the race.

Answer: No other competitor in the race is as strong as he.

10. She is the most beautiful lady.

Answer: No other lady is as beautiful as she.

11. Gold is the most precious metal.

Answer: No other metal is as precious as gold.

12. She is the kindest person.

Answer: No other person is as kind as she.

13. That was the happiest day of my life.

Answer: No other day of my life is as happy as that.

14. He is the most talented student in the class.

Answer: No other student in the class is as talented as he.

15. She is the most talkative lady.

Answer: No other lady is as talkative as she.

Affirmative to negative exercise with too… to

1. She is too weak to walk.

Answer: She is so weak that she cannot walk.

2. He spoke too quickly for me to understand.

Answer: He spoke so quickly that I could not understand it.

3. The package is too heavy for her to carry.

Answer: The package is so heavy that she cannot carry it.

4. The car is too expensive for us to afford.

Answer: The car is so expensive that we cannot afford it..

5. She is too busy to attend the meeting.

Answer: She is so busy that she cannot attend the meeting.

6. The coffee is too hot to drink right away.

Answer: The coffee is so hot that I cannot drink it right away.

7. He is too tired to finish the assignment tonight.

Answer: He is so tired that he cannot finish the assignment tonight.

8. The book is too long for me to read in one sitting.

Answer: The book is so long that I cannot read it in one sitting.

9. The mountain is too steep for them to climb.

Answer: The Mountain is so steep that they cannot climb it.

10. The dress is too big for her to wear.

Answer: The dress is so big she cannot wear it.

11. The suitcase is too large to fit in the overhead bin.

Answer: The suitcase is so large that I cannot fit it in the overhead bin.

12. The problem is too complex for a quick solution.

Answer: The problem is so complex that I cannot solve it quickly.

13. The girl is too foolish to understand a simple matter.

Answer: The girl is so foolish that she cannot understand a simple matter.

14. The load was too heavy for you to carry.

Answer: The load was so heavy that you cannot carry it.

15. The man is too honest to take bribes.

Answer: The man is so honest that she doesn’t take bribes.

Affirmative to negative exercise with antonyms

1. He is my friend.

Answer: He is not my enemy/foe.

2. He is honest.

Answer: He is not dishonest.

3. She is active.

Answer: She is not inactive.

4. He is intelligent.

Answer: He is not foolish.

5. People of Bangladesh are lazy.

Answer: People of Bangladesh are not fast/active.

6. They are educated.

Answer: They are not uneducated.

7. The student is meritorious.

Answer: The student is not weak/dull.

8. The child is good.

Answer: The child is not bad.

9. He is happy in life.

Answer: He is not unhappy in life.

10. The river is big.

Answer: The river is not small.

11. The tree is tall.

Answer: The tree is not short.

12. Tamanna is beautiful.

Answer:  Tamanna is not ugly.

13. Milk is white.

Answer: Milk is not black.

14. This water is pure.

Answer: This water is not polluted.

15. The dress is clean.

Answer: The dress is not dirty.

Affirmative to negative exercise for SSC

We honour the valiant affirmative to negative

Answer: We don't hate the valiant.

Only the big banyan tree was visible affirmative to negative

Answer: Nothing but the big banyan tree was visible affirmative to negative

He is present in the meeting affirmative to negative

Answer: He is not absent in the meeting. 

I missed the train affirmative to negative

Answer: I didn't catch the train. 

We all should be responsible affirmative to negative

Answer: We all should not be irresponsible.

A village doctor is a very important person affirmative to negative

Answer: A village doctor is not a very unimportant person

We should look after our old parents affirmative to negative

Answer: We should not avoid our old parents.

We should always speak the truth affirmative to negative

Answer: We should never tell a lie.

He lives alone in the house affirmative to negative

Answer: None but he lives in the house.

Man is mortal affirmative to negative

Answer: Man is not immortal.

I was doubtful of his honesty affirmative to negative

Answer: I was sure of his honesty.

We honour him affirmative to negative

Answer: We don't hate him.

উপসংহারে বলা যায় যে আপনি যদি যথাযথভাবে উপরের Affirmative to Negative Exercise এর সবগুলো উদাহরণ নিয়মিত প্র্যাকটিস করেন তাহলে নিশ্চিত আপনি যেকোন পরীক্ষায় Affirmative to Negative এ নিশ্চিত ভালো নাম্বার ক্যারি করতে পারবেন। সুতরাং নিয়মিত উপরের উদাহরণ গুলো প্র্যাকটিস করুন এবং Affirmative to Negative এ ভালো নাম্বার অর্জন করুন।

পড়তে পারেনঃ

একাডেমিক শিক্ষা বিষয়ক অজানাকে জানতে নিয়মিত আমার ব্লগ সাইটটি পরিদর্শন করুন। আমার ব্লগ সাইটটি পরিদর্শনের জন্য আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ।

একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন

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