English Preparation for University Admission Test
Admission Test question answer on
English literature:
1. What was the Old
English Period in English literature?
2. What was the Anglo-Norman period in English literature?
3. What was the
Middle English Period in English literature!
4. What was the
Renaissance period in English literature?
5. What was the New Classical
Period in English literature?
6. What was the
Romantic Period in English literature?
7. What was the
Victorian Period in English literature?
8. What was the
Modern Period in English literature?
9. What was the
Postmodern Period in English literature?
➛1939- till present.
10. Which is the first
long and epic poem in English?
11. Who is considered
to be the father of English poems?
➛Geoffrey Chaucer.
12. Who is the
representative poet of the 14th century?
➛Geoffrey Chaucer.
13. Who is the father
of modern English poetry?
➛Geoffrey Chaucer.
14. Who translated the
Bible into English for the first time?
➛ John Wycliffe.
15. What is the
meaning of renaissance?
a revival of classical learning and wisdom. Renaissance is a French word.
16. Who is
called the poet of poets in English literature?
➛Edmund Spenser.
17. What is Faerie
18. Who is
Francis Bacon?
19. Who is considered
to be the father of English prose?
➛ John Wycliffe.
20. Who is Shakespeare's contemporary dramatist/playwright?
➛ Christopher Marlowe.
21. When was
Shakespeare born?
➛23 April 1564.
22. When did
Shakespeare die?
➛23 April 1616.
23. How many dramas
did Shakespeare write?
24. How many
poems did Shakespeare write?
25. How many
sonnets did Shakespeare write?
26. Which are the greatest
tragedies of Shakespeare?
➛Hamlet, King Lear,
Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, etc.
27. Which are the
greatest comedies of Shakespeare?
➛Twelfth night, The
Comedy of Errors, Measure for Measure, All's well that ends well,
The Merchant of Venice, As you like it, Julius Caesar, etc.
28. Which are the
tragic comedies of Shakespeare?
➛Winter's Tale, The
Tempest, Cymbeline etc.
29. To be or not to be
that is the question is a dialogue of……..
30. Frailty thy name
is woman is a dialogue of………..
31. Shakespeare is
mostly known as……..
32. Where was
Shakespeare born?
33. Shakespeare was a
dramatist of….
➛Elizabethan age.
34. Volpone, The
Alchemist, The Silent Woman, Everyman in His Humour, etc are written by……..
➛ Ben Johnson.
35. Who are
University wits?
➛ Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Kyd, Thomas Nash, Robert Greene, John Lyly, George Peele and Thomas Lodge.
বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভর্তি প্রস্তুতি ইংরেজি
36. The another name
of the New Classical Period is
➛ The Restoration
37. Who wrote the book
The Spanish Tragedy?
➛ Thomas Kyd.
38. Who was
known as a metaphysical poet/ the greatest love poet/ poet of love?
➛John Donne.
39. Who wrote
The Duchess of Malfi?
➛John Webster.
40. Who wrote
The White Devil?
➛John Webster.
41. Who wrote To
➛ Robert Herrick.
42. In the poem
To Daffodils the poet weeps over?
➛ Short-lived human
43. In the poem
To Daffodils human life is compared with……..
➛ Morning dew.
44. In the poem
To Daffodils Hasting day means……
➛Hurriedly passing day.
45. Who wrote
Paradise Lost/Paradise Regained/ Lycidas?
➛John Milton.
46. Who is a
famous Epic poet in English literature?
➛ John Milton.
47. Paradise
Lost attempt to………
➛Justify the ways of
God to man
48. Who wrote
the poem The Rape of the Lock?
➛ Alexander Pope.
49. Who wrote
Essay on Criticism?
➛ Alexander Pope.
50. Who wrote
Iliad and Odyssey?
➛Alexander Pope
পড়তে পারেনঃ
51. Who wrote
Robinson Crusoe?
➛ Daniel Defoe
52. Who wrote Gulliver's
Travels/The Battle of Books/ A Tale of Tub?
➛Jonathan Swift.
53. Who
wrote An Essay on Dramatic Poesy?
➛ John Dryden
54. Lord
Jim, Heart of Darkness, The Secret Agent, etc are written by…..
➛ Joseph Conrad.
55. Who wrote The
Jungle Book?
➛ Rudyard Kipling.
56. Arms and The
Man, Man and Superman, Caesar and Cleopatra, The Doctor's
Dilemma, etc are written by…….
➛ George Bernard Shaw.
57. Who was the
greatest modern English dramatist?
➛ George Bernard
58. What type of book
is Gulliver's Travels?
59. Who is the most
famous satirist in English literature?
➛Jonathan Swift.
60. A Voyage to
Lilliput is written by…..
➛ Jonathan Swift.
61. The Modern
Husband/The Mock Doctor is written by……
➛ Henry Fielding.
62. Who is
considered to be the father of the English novel?
➛ Henry Fielding.
63. Dictionary
of the English language is written by…….
➛ Samuel Johnson.
64. A lexicographer is
a person who writes…….
➛ Dictionaries.
65. The full
name of Dr. Johnson is…..
➛ Samuel Johnson.
66. Who is famous for
➛ Thomas Gray.
67. Elegy written in a
country churchyard is written by……
➛ Thomas Gray.
68. Who was both
a poet and painter?
➛ William Blake.
69. Who was
called an early romantic?
➛ William Blake.
70. Songs of Innocence
and of Experience is written by…..
➛ William Blake.
DU English Preparation
71. Who are romantic
➛ William Blake, William
Wordsworth, S T Coleridge, Lord Byron, PB Shelley and John Keats.
72. Who wrote
Lyrical Ballads?
➛ William Wordsworth.
73. Lyrical
Ballads was published in….
➛ 1798
74. Romanticism is
mainly connected with……
➛Love and beauty.
75. Who
wrote Daffodils/The Solitary Reaper/Immortality Ode/ Tintern Abbey.
William Wordsworth.
76. Who is known
as the poet of nature in English literature?
➛ William Wordsworth.
77. Who wrote The
Rime of the Ancient Mariner/ Kubla Khan?
➛ S T Coleridge.
78. Who was
addicted to Opium?
➛ S T Coleridge.
79. Who is considered
to be the Rebel poet in English literature?
➛ Lord Byron.
80. Who wrote Heaven
and Earth?
➛ Lord Byron.
81. Ode to a
Skylark, Ode to the West Wind, Adonais,
Ode to Liberty, etc are written by……..
➛ PB Shelley.
82. Who is called the
poet of sensuousness?
➛ John Keats.
83. Who is called the
poet of beauty?
➛ John Keats.
84. Ode on a
Grecian Urn, Ode to Physic, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to
Melancholy, Ode to Autumn, etc are written by…….
➛ John Keats.
86. Who wrote
Patriotism/ Ivan Hoe?
➛ Walter Scott
(Romantic novelist).
87. Pride and
Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, etc are written by……..
➛ Jane Austen.
88. The
Victorian age is named after……
➛ Queen Victoria.
89. Who
wrote Ulysses, The Lotos Eater, etc?
➛ Alfred Tennyson.
90. Dramatic
Lyrics, Dramatic Romances, Men and Women, The Patriot,
Andrea Del Sarto, etc are written by…….
➛ Robert Browning.
91. Who excels
in dramatic monologue?
➛ Robert Browning.
92. Dover
Beach, The Scholar Gipsy, Essays in Criticism, The Study of
Poetry etc written by………
➛ Matthew Arnold.
93. Oliver
Twist, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, Great
Expectations etc are written by……..
➛ Charles Dickens
(Victoria novelist)
94. Under the
Greenwood Tree, Far from the Madding Crowd, The Return of the Native, etc are written by…….
➛ Thomas Hardy
(Victoria novelist)
95. Vanity Fair,
The Virginias, etc are written by………
➛William Makepeace Thackeray.
96. Who wrote
Wuthering Heights?
➛ Emily Bronte.
97. Who are the three
sister novelists in English literature?
➛ Charlotte
Bronte, Emily Bronte and Lotte Bronte.
98. The Wild Swans at Coole, The Lake Isle of Innisfree, Sailing to Byzantium
etc written by….
➛ William Butler Yeats.
99. Gitanjali of
Rabindranath was translated by……
➛ W B Yeats.
100. Who was a famous
Irish poet and dramatist?
➛ W B Yeats.
101. Who wrote Riders
to the Sea?
➛ J M Synge.
102. Sons and
Lovers, The Rainbow, Women in Love, etc are written by…….
➛D H Lawrence.
103. Who wrote Ulysses?
➛ James Joyce.
104. Who wrote
The Waste Land?
➛ T S Eliot (Modern
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